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Local American Car Service
​Located on Laguna Beach so the ECP airport is about a 15 minute drive. Rosemary Beach is about 10-15 minutes away from our location. Serving PANAMA CITY BEACH AND SURROUNDING BEACHES FOR OVER 11 YEARS. my reviews go back a long time unlike other companies. Reviews of a taxi business... I wish you luck.
Airport rides from all beaches and LONG DISTANCE rides as well. sleep well knowing a trusted company will be there.
About the name: I created the trademark: we evolve toward love® in 2011... I established the trademark to help those that believe there must be another, believe because love is here, it is there, and through everywhere. So these four words are meant to give strength, this message is strong. If you thought "to love" is weak, you are mistaken...The "much more in life" most seek, you will find when you give in. we are opposed to cunning and deceit
check this information for iq test.
1) You can't escape a cold virus so masks are stupid. Eventually a cold/flu will find you. The degree to which you get sick will vary based on your immunity. I could argue achieving natural immunity as fast as possible is the best regimen. So using that logic, I could argue masks are dangerous plus they retain bacteria that causes bacterial pneumonia. Remember, most people during the 1918-1920 Spanish flu pandemic died of bacterial pneumonia because of scarf masks. This is a NIH august 19, 2008 release study of corpses from the Spanish flu pandemic not my opinion.
The cold virus is living somewhere unknown, emerging, spreading, being dormant, in uncountable forms, living in animals or somewhere. Where the cold/flu comes from, where it goes, nobody knows, not doctors, not politicians, not rich pharma company ceos.
2) There are trillions upon trillions of stars just in the visible night sky. Uncountable stars. There are extra terrestrials ETs that are far more advanced than us here. now. been here. the whole time.
3) The corrupt governments of the world hide the existence of extraterrestrial beings and technology.
PLEASE DONATE TO US. we are simply willing to call it like it is.